
Concurrent Session
A Strategic International HR Blueprint for Successfully Integrating M&A
Monday 06/25/2012 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Business Credit, 1.25 Global Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This session will feature a comprehensive solution to assess, contain and eradicate one of the biggest challenges facing the integration of global M&A. 

Failure to manage the mental merger by holistically tackling the integration of corporate and national cultures leads many international M&A to miss financial targets. Emotional disconnects known as Cultural Viruses suffocate business performance by magnifying harsh people-management realities. However, by implementing an aggressive series of interventions to eradicate Cultural Viruses, businesses can cure the root causes of integration letdowns and ensure business success. This session will feature proactive and reactive best practices to assess, contain and eradicate what is arguably the biggest challenge facing you today and your C-suite leaders.

Stephane Brahy Photo
Stephane Brahy, director, Global Consulting Services,
Cartus Corporation