
Concurrent Session
Using ANSI HR Standards to Create Business Advantage in the Workplace
Tuesday 06/26/2012 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Business Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
You will learn how to effectively use recently published HR American National Standards Institute standards in your workplaces. 

Teams of passionate HR professionals, consultants, academics and line managers have worked since 2009 to create professional national workforce standards in the areas of diversity and inclusion, performance management, measures and metrics, staffing and workforce planning, compliance and regulatory issues, and employee and labor relations. By the end of 2012, six American National HR standards will be published and at least 10 others will be in development. In this session we will demonstrate how using recently published and upcoming standards in your organization can create a business and operational advantage, and discuss how to partner within your leadership to successfully adopt and implement the standards.

Jeremy A. Shapiro, executive director, HR Information Officer,
Morgan Stanley
John Kells Photo
John Kells, vice president, product development,
Lee Webster Photo
Lee Webster, director HR Standards,
Peter Merrill, CEO,
Quest Management Systems
Susan Harmansky, SPHR Photo
Susan Harmansky, SPHR, global vice president, Human Resources,
Southern Graphic Systems