
The Secret to Opening Happiness in the Workplace: Simple Lessons Learned from Fellow HR Veterans
Tuesday 06/26/2012 02:15 PM - 03:30 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit

Human Resources? More generations in the workplace, social media and socio-economic pressures are just a few things that make our profession, not one for the faint of heart. HR brings business value facilitating innovation, leading change, building capability and developing great leadership. But we must always remember we are HUMAN Resources. What about the role of pragmatist, conscience, sounding board, and truth sayer? Value can come from the gift of our mistakes and lessons learned. Come hear stories about simple HR life lessons that are helping some fellow pros do their part to open happiness in the workplace.

Heather Faire Photo
Heather Faire, group HR director, Strategic Marketing and Still Business Unit, CCNA,
Sarah Hutton Photo
Sarah Hutton, group HR director, Venturing and Emerging Brands,