
EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE: Driving Business Outcomes through Talent Management and Workforce Strategies
Monday 06/29/2015 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 Business Credit | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation, HR Expertise | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will show how HR is driving business results by ensuring their workforce is aligned with Cleveland Clinic’s organizational goals.  

Having a strong management framework is critical to effectively achieve business results. Focusing on leadership, workforce, knowledge management and customers will help drive sustainable outcomes. Remaining current and viable through disruptive innovation and continuous improvement is key to the success of any business. The “status quo” is our competition.  An engaged workforce is not enough to create a culture of sustainable growth. Organizations need to ensure their workforce is aligned to the strategic and operational goals of the business. Joseph Cabral, the Chief Human Resources Officer for Cleveland Clinic, will share the critical role that HR plays in aligning and motivating their workforce so that they continue to be a vital factor in driving their organization’s success.

Joseph  Cabral  Photo
Joseph Cabral, Chief Human Resources Officer,
Cleveland Clinic