
General Session
Closing General Session with Kirsten Powers
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill
Tuesday 03/06/2012 03:45 PM - 05:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.00 HR Credit
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Kirsten Powers will then share her unique perspective on communication. Her experience in the Clinton White House as the Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Public Affairs, then as vice president of international communications at AOL, and later as a press secretary for a number of campaigns has taught her how to handle imposing personalities. It has also taught her that no matter how aggressive or how uncomfortable the situation may be, you are still in control of your message. Powers, now a popular Fox News political analyst and columnist for The Daily Beast and USA Today, will share how her background in business, politics, and the media has made her an expert at getting your point across while keeping composed and always being gracious

Kirsten  Powers Photo
Kirsten Powers, Political Analyst,
Fox News