
Concurrent Session
International Background Checks: Global Due Diligence and Legal Compliance
Monday 06/25/2012 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Global Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
Employment is no longer restricted by international borders, and due diligence now requires an understanding of international background checks. 

With the mobility of workers across international borders it is no longer adequate to conduct these checks just in the U.S. A significant percentage of the population consists of immigrants. In addition, an increasing number of workers have spent part of their professional career abroad. With business going global, U.S. firms are having to staff up offices internationally as well.  The number of countries from which employers seek additional information about applicants is expansive, and includes India, China, Philippines, France, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Japan, Canada, among others. This session will introduce you to international background check, including the legal, practical and cultural challenges you face when obtaining information outside of the U.S. Among the topics covered are the ins and outs of international criminal records, terrorist databases, and whether background checks are needed on applicants with a visa.

Lester S. Rosen Photo
Lester S. Rosen, Attorney at Law and CEO,
Employment Screening Resources