
Concurrent Session
How AI Helps Cigna See 74,000 Employees as Candidates
Milano Ballroom 5-6
Monday 04/15/2024 03:45 PM - 04:45 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Organization (Technical), People (Technical) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level, Senior-Level, Executive-level
Workplace Application:
Attendees will take away valuable, practical, how-to advice about the benefits of using technology to streamline talent development, boost skills intelligence, and improve retention. 

Studies consistently show that employees would rather chart their own professional development course rather than wait years for a manager to tap them on the shoulder. Without that self-directed empowerment, people will look externally for new opportunities that will support their careers. Lack of training and growth opportunities is one of the biggest reasons why people quit. Research has proven that employees are more likely to stay if they see a clear line of progression and what it takes to get to their career goals. But how does a company know what skills gaps need to be bridged to prepare employees to step into their next role? And how can employees become aware of the relevant upskilling opportunities available in the organization? That was the challenge facing The Cigna Group. The global health insurance giant realized it was easier for people on the outside to find a job than it was for its own employees. So the company embarked on a change management process fueled by artificial intelligence and automation, which made it significantly easier to create an ecosystem of talent.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how The Cigna Group, with more than 74,000 employees worldwide, leveraged artificial intelligence to foster employee development, bolster internal mobility, and gain valuable insights into their peoples' skills. The old way of attracting candidates doesn't work anymore. Neither do the tactics of holding on to employees. AI can help.
  • Discover the ways AI boosts visibility to employee skills and energizes an internal talent marketplace.
  • See your people for who they are and the skills and life experiences they bring to their present role and future roles.
Cliff Jurkiewicz Photo
Cliff Jurkiewicz, Vice President of Global Strategy,
Jesus Latorre-Socas Photo
Jesus Latorre-Socas, Lead Product Manager,