
Bruce Elliott
manager of Compensation and Benefits
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Bruce Elliott is Manager of Compensation and Benefits for SHRM. Having held senior C&B roles at the director and VP level, Mr. Elliott came to SHRM with a wealth of domestic and international experience, that includes a 4 year assignment to the United Kingdom. Mr. Elliott’s 20+ year career in Compensation and Benefits has focused on developing, implementing and managing domestic and international compensation and benefit programs for a number of publically listed companies including EADS, North America, Experian, Western Union/First Data Corporation,  Credit Suisse First Boston, UBS and Standard and Poors/McGraw-Hill.

He has a B.S in Business and Psychology from Boston College, a Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Springfield College and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at George Washington University. He also holds CCP and CBP Certifications.