
MASTERS SERIES: Charisma and Leadership: The Science of Influence, Trust and Persuasion
W320 Chapin Theater
Monday 06/23/2014 01:45 PM - 03:45 PM   Add to calendar
2.00 HR Credit | Competencies: HR Expertise, Leadership & Navigation | Intended Audience: Senior-Level

You only get one chance to make the right first impression. Within a few seconds, people judge your level of intelligence, trustworthiness, and social status. This happens in an instant, and yet can impact the way you’re perceived for the rest of the relationship. How can you turn this to your advantage? This session will cover the science of charisma; the keys to making fantastic first impressions, and the secrets to having that “Wow effect,” that “boardroom presence” to quickly establish credibility, trust, and rapport. 

Olivia Fox  Cabane Photo
Olivia Fox Cabane