- Brand + Behavior = EVP: A Global Perspective on Recoding your Organization's Employee Value Proposition
Concurrent Session
Brand + Behavior = EVP: A Global Perspective on Recoding your Organization's Employee Value Proposition
Monday 06/25/2012 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Workplace Application:
Attend this session and learn why it is important to create hard wired connections between brand and behavior in order to have an effective EVP.
As companies compete to further differentiate themselves in the global market place, the pressure to attract and retain the right people increases. One area that companies use to attract talent globally is marketing of their employer brand. Often overlooked is the challenge to market an employer brand that is authentic and true to the work experience both at home and abroad. After participating in this session, you will understand the importance of making sure the employee experience lives up to the expectations set by active marketing and how hard wired connections between brand and behavior is a requirement rather than an option.
Kevin Dooley,
global head of people engagement and marketing,
Deutsche Bank
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