- Great HR Requires Great Governance HR is Crucial to the Building of Great Businesses
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Great HR Requires Great Governance HR is Crucial to the Building of Great Businesses
Monday 06/25/2012 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
Workplace Application:
You will have a deeper understanding of the role you play in governace imperatives and some of the steps to ensuring these steps are well managed.
All the policies and procedures, rule and regulations were in place but the financial institutions still managed to collapse the financial base of the world economy from which we are still struggling to recover. Good governance, therfore, is much more about culture and values than rules. HR is the custodian of these vital links to sustainable business success. This presentation examines why rules and regulations are not enough and will provide some ideas for you to play the effective role you should in ensuring sustainable organizational success based on sound ethics and good governance.
Tony Frost,
Sirocco Strategy Management
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