
Concurrent Session
Crafting a Strategy to Reduce Health Benefits Costs
Wednesday 10/05/2011 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM   Add to calendar

Over the last 10 years, health benefits costs have grown at an average rate of more than eight percent per year, resulting in a 149% increase from 2000 to 2010. Rising health care costs have long been a concern for HR executives, but have now intensified to become a major concern for business strategy. At the conclusion of this session, you will understand the impact of rising employee health costs on your overall business strategy as well as learn about quantitative analyses that can inform your cost-reduction strategy. You will also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of past cost-control efforts and be prepared to develop a customized strategy for your organization.

Matthew  Cinque Photo
Matthew Cinque, Managing Director,
The Advisory Board Company