At UPMC, we believe employees who are treated with dignity and respect know what it takes to treat customers, patients, and their families with dignity and respect. The Dignity & Respect Campaign started as an internal change management initiative to promote inclusion in the workplace and cultural competency in patient care, but has become a national movement to help employees effectively collaborate within diverse organizations, unify communities, and promote anti-bullying in schools. This session will provide an overview of the Campaign, as well as provide steps you can take to begin your own Dignity & Respect Journey. You will learn how:
• UPMC integrated dignity, respect and culture competency into day-to-day business practices
• UPMC leaders have engaged and created accountability in their respective business units
• Employee engagement has been positively impacted, gaining commitment from employees at all levels of the organization
You can utilize this initiative to augment, reignite, and start a Dignity & Respect Initiative in your organization.