
Washington 3
Tuesday 10/25/2011 03:15 PM - 04:30 PM   Add to calendar
Focus Areas:

In 2005, TD Bank Group made diversity a core business priority that kicked off a dynamic initiative impacting TD’s operations in both Canada and the United States. Hear from one of TD’s senior business line executives about that journey, including its organization, strategy and executive accountabilities and how the global D&I strategy is integrated. We will explore the challenges of implementing D&I strategies during a period of rapid growth and tough banking industry conditions. You will learn about:

• Building the business case at the executive, middle management, and individual level for driving diversity as a strategic initiative

• Managing diversity across borders and the value of diversity when doing corporate acquisitions in and outside the U.S. and through times of change

• Successful strategies and lessons learned in developing

TD Bank’s areas of focus:

•Expanding Opportunities for Women In Leadership

•Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Members of Minority Groups

•Building an Agenda for People with Disabilities

•Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender & Allies

•Serving Diverse and Global Communities

• Strategies and considerations for the future as TD Bank continues its D&I journey

David Boone Photo
David Boone, executive vice president,
Mass Affluent Segment & TD Bank, USA