- EBIT-Duh! Finance for the HR Professional
EBIT-Duh! Finance for the HR Professional
Monday 06/27/2011 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM
Workplace Application:
For HR professionals to be perceived as true business partners, we need to be financially literate and know where we contribute to the bottom line.
Track: Strategic Management
You will assess your knowledge of common financial terminology in a pretest. As the definition of each pretest item is identified, a detailed explanation of when, how and by whom the term is used in business and why it matters to HR. Terms will include: margin, gross profits, revenues, earnings, capitol investments, capitol expenditures, amortize, zero based budgeting and, of course, EBIT-DA. There are 10 items in the pretest including multiple choice items, calculations and identification.
Clare Novak,
Business Leadership Qualities
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