- Getting it Right: Understanding Current Dynamics of Religious Diversity in the Workplace
Getting it Right: Understanding Current Dynamics of Religious Diversity in the Workplace
Tuesday 06/28/2011 07:00 AM - 08:15 AM
Workplace Application:
The session will review issues of policy and accommodation as they pertain to Muslim employees, as well as practical practices and ways to promote inclusive behaviors throughout a company.
Track: Talent Management
Given reactions to the Park51 Cultural Center in New York City and an unprecedented rise in anti-Muslim discrimination complaints to the EEOC, promoting religious inclusivity in the workplace is more relevant than ever. Panelists will explore Islamophobia in the workplace, and discuss how they have successfully addressed religious diversity in the workplace from the perspective of policy and accommodation. The panelists will conclude by offering better practices and communication tips for addressing religious diversity in the workplace.
I. Mark E. Fowler,
director of Programs,
Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding
Joyce S. Dubensky, Esq.,
executive vice president & CEO,
Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding
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