- MEGA SESSION: You've Cost Cut and You've Downsized...Now Build A Culture of Innovation Through Enhanced Creative Thinking
MEGA SESSION: You've Cost Cut and You've Downsized...Now Build A Culture of Innovation Through Enhanced Creative Thinking
LVCC N245-251
Tuesday 06/28/2011 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Workplace Application:
This highly engaging session will show you how to apply the processes that top organizations use to develop new business opportunities and create cultures of innovation.
Track: Strategic Management
Learn how leadership capability, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement contribute to our ability to create new business opportunities. Determining the blocks or hurdles that prevent us from creating new ideas is the first step. Becoming adept at using structured thinking processes and knowing how to implement new ideas, completes a winning combination. The presenter will share the tools and techniques that top organizations use to unleash thinking and create breakthrough innovations for your businesses.
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