
The Opportunities and Challenges Of The Brazilian Business Environment
LVCC N202-204
Wednesday 06/29/2011 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Global Credit
Workplace Application:
This session will focus on the opportunities and challenges of managing human resources while doing business in Brazil. 

Brazil has just elected its first woman president and has become a prime destination for investment of US and other International companies. Its economy is growing, and the country is scheduled to host major high-profile events in the coming years. Yet, Brazil is ranked by the IFC/World Bank’s Doing Business Survey, as a country in which doing business is difficult. This session will review major recent developments in Brazil and will provide tips on how to approach the management of Human Resources in Brazil.

John Mein Photo
John Mein, president,
Consentes Institutional Building, a consulting firm in Sao Paulo