- Piecing Your Business Case Together with Market Analysis
Piecing Your Business Case Together with Market Analysis
Hilton Ballroom B
Wednesday 06/29/2011 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Workplace Application:
This session reviews the components of feasibility studies and business case development and the process of integrating them into a comprehensive, objective report which serves as validation of need and ROI for this project and future projects.
Track: Strategic Management
A strong business case creates a compelling picture grounded in objective analysis, supported by stakeholders, and persuasively positioned. Once your research and market analysis are complete, piecing them together into a cohesive argument requires some thought and planning. This session brings the total picture together and considers how to position the project both in the written report and through any verbal presentation to create a positive reception to the need and leverage all of that hard work and analysis!
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