
Preconference Workshop : Session #801: The Recession’s Over and I Quit
Sunday 06/26/2011 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
4.00 HR Credit
Workplace Application:
History tells us that turnover goes up as economies recover, and most companies look to HR to fix it. The result is that HR implements programs such as career fairs and employee appreciation week, with no clear path as to what works and what doesnメt. 

Join Dick Finnegan, author of “Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad”, for a 4-hour workshop to learn the Rethinking Retention Modelsm and apply proven retention techniques to your organization. You will leave with a customized retention plan that is based on research rather than chance, which will include proven steps for developing accountability, improving hiring and on-boarding, and rethinking policies that can lead to retention versus turnover.

* Advanced registration and additional program fees are required for the pre-conference workshops.