
Concurrent Session
ERISA Update: Keeping Your Benefit Plans (and You!) Out of Trouble
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill
Tuesday 03/06/2012 09:15 AM - 10:45 AM   Add to calendar
1.50 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This program will help you to identify how recent statutory, regulatory and legal developments affect responsibilities and potential legal liability related to employee benefi t plans and those charged with administering them. 

When the U.S. Supreme Court fi rst called ERISA a “comprehensive and reticulated statute,” they weren’t exaggerating. ERISA’s initial intricate web of administrative and fi duciary requirements governing employee benefi t plans is constantly being changed by laws, regulations, agency interpretations and court decisions. Not knowing the current state of ERISA’s requirements can expose your employer’s plans—and you, if you have any responsibility for administering those plans—to potentially signifi cant liabilities and penalties. Pilzner will highlight recent developments you need to know and understand to keep your employer’s plans—and yourself—from unintentional failures to comply with ERISA.

Antoinette Pilzner Photo
Antoinette Pilzner, attorney