
Concurrent Session
The Supreme Court Speaks ... Are You Listening?
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Monday 03/05/2012 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM   Add to calendar
1.50 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This presentation will arm you with a thorough understanding of the most important decisions from the highest court in the land. 

Legislation and regulations keep changing. With each ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court is permanently shaping federal law principles. Beachboard will examine the key employment law decisions from the last few terms—with more than just a summary of the holding. The facts of each case, the Court’s rationale, the long-run implications and, most importantly, how the decision will impact the employer community will be thoroughly analyzed in an interesting and entertaining fashion. In addition, Beachboard will take a look at the pending cases for the upcoming term.

Joseph L. Beachboard Photo
Joseph L. Beachboard, Nationally Recognized Employment Lawyer,
Beachboard Consulting Group