
Concurrent Session
A Transformation Journey: HR’s Evolution from Function Fulfillment to Strategic Business Partner
Thursday 10/06/2011 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   Add to calendar

Beyond serving as the first and last office visited by most employees as they enter or exit an institution, or being viewed simply as the keeper of forms and details about benefits and compensation, HR is now more widely recognized as an integral player in any organization’s success. How can you reposition and reinvigorate your own divisions and staffs to truly serve the serious growth and strategy needs of the organization? This session clarifies the essential areas of focus—innovation and creativity—that are necessary for an HR unit to drive growth and earn its rightful place at the strategic development table.


Dennis  Dowdell Jr. Photo
Dennis Dowdell Jr., Vice President of Human Resources,
Memorial Sloan- Kettering CNCR