
Concurrent Session
Achieving Higher Quality and Lower Costs Through New Health Care Models
Monday 06/25/2012 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
Providing guidance on models such as ACOs & how to choose the right plan & the new options that will emerge in the wake of health care reform. 

How will changes in the health care landscape impact costs for your company and employees? Dr. Saunders will provide an overview of where we are in the health care delivery landscape and cover significant market shifts that will occur over the next few years. He will highlight near-term impacts and choices, including the significant emergence of ACOs (Accountable care Organizations). He will describe the evolution of this health care model, describe impacts to employers, their employees and the relationship with providers. As you are thinking about your health benefits landscape this session will help you consider the impacts of these options and why you may want to consider these options in your company's business strategy.

Charles Saunders, president, strategic diversification,