- Aligning HR with Your Organization’s Business Priorities
Concurrent Session
Aligning HR with Your Organization’s Business Priorities
Tuesday 06/26/2012 02:15 PM - 03:30 PM
Workplace Application:
HR professionals from global organizations can learn how to make HR a strategic partner throughout their organizations by utilizing talent management.
HR is often overlooked as a business enabler. Lisa Buckingham, head of Lincoln Financial Group HR, discusses how to make HR a strategic partner in acquiring/retaining and developing/motivating talent. She'll discuss LFG, where she launched pay-for-performance and tools to empower employee achievement. Her work has helped to transform LFG into a culture that encourages employees to learn, experiment and professionally stretch – while being more closely than ever aligned with the business.
Lisa M. Buckingham,
senior vice president, chief human resources officer,
Lincoln Financial Group
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