
Concurrent Session
The Evolving Role of HR in Changing Times: A Middle East Focus
Monday 06/25/2012 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Global Credit
Workplace Application:
Attend this session and learn how the Americana Group evolved with more than 45 years of successful operations in the Middle East and Northern Africa.  

Wearing different hats in an array of situations is never easy for an HR Practitioner, but wearing the best hat that suits the Middle East business environment is a question that puzzles people from all over the globe. With the Gulf's richness in resources, its fairly conservative and arid atmosphere welcomes a flavor of diversity as it looks to fill its heaping craving to be a sustainable economic hub. This convergence of interest makes for an oasis of emerging practices in human resources with the ever volatile turn of events in the Arab world. This session will help you understand what makes or breaks endeavors in the Gulf and how capitalizing on people is integral to an enduring quest to be a market leader in the region.

Mohamed Farouk Hafeez Photo
Mohamed Farouk Hafeez, executive vice president, human resources and management development,
Americana Group