
Concurrent Session
Go Glocal - Understanding and Responding to Global and Local Employee Value Propositions
Wednesday 06/27/2012 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 Global Credit
Workplace Application:
This session will help you understand the differences between a global employee value proposition and a local employee value proposition and how going ‘glocal’ may be the best strategy for your organization.  

When building a global employer brand all organizations are forced to answer the question," Can we build a global employee value proposition, or do we have to adapt for local conditions?"   Well, now they can 'go glocal'.  This session will share global research on employee value propositions and provide  examples that are easy to implement showing how other companies have 'gone glocal' to build successful employee value propositions.

Russell  Kronenburg Photo
Russell Kronenburg, general manager, HR,