
Preconference Workshop
Session #807: Motivation-Based Interviewing
Georgia World Congress Center
Sunday 06/24/2012 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
4.00 HR Credit

Workplace Application: You will learn motivation-based interviewing, an effective interviewing method for hiring high performers.

Commonly, interviewers assume an applicant's skill level is the most reliable indicator of his performance level. Not so. Many hiring mistakes can be traced back to interviewers who use the wrong criteria in deciding what makes someone a High Performer. This fast-paced, condensed-version teaches the fundamentals of motivation-based interviewing (MBI). It provides interviewers with easy-to-use, yet highly effective, interviewing techniques to enable them to hire High Performers. This presentation involves lecture, video and interactive exercises.

Recertification /Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn why skill level really isn't an accurate predictor of future job performance.
  2. Learn about motivation-based interviewing (MBI) and why it's a more effective interviewing method.
  3. Examine the components that ALL High Performer share in common and how to easily assess all of them in a one-hour interview.
  4. Learn how to write "effective" interview questions for assessing High Performers.
  5. Learn the MBI "Hire ONLY High Performers" minimum hiring standard.

*Additional programs fees and advance registration are required.

Carol  Quinn Photo
Carol Quinn, CEO,
Hire Authority