There are now four generations in the workforce, working side-by-side each with its own set of unique attributes. Organizations that can capitalize on the synergies that these generations create in the workplace, will not only be able to survive economic uncertainty, but also thrive during better economic times. As a result, talent management has to become more strategic in order to innovate and adapt to the new realities of the workforce demographics. But what does this mean? During this session, you will learn about:
• The changing demographics of the workplace including trends in workforce age composition
• Findings from select AARP studies of the work and retirement plans of workers age 50+
• Winning recruitment and retention strategies that have been adopted by forward thinking organizations from the 2011 AARP Best Employers for workers over 50 award winners
• Various AARP resources that can help HR professionals lead internal discussions on the changing demographics as well as answer employees’ questions on Medicare, Social Security, and other pre-retirement/retirement decisions.