
Concurrent Session
Motivation-Based Interviewing: A Method for Hiring High Achievers
National Harbor 12-13
Tuesday 05/01/2012 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit
Focus Areas:

Workplace Application: You will learn how to improve your organization’s quality-of-hire using motivation-based interviewing.

It is common for most interviewers to assume that an applicant's skill level is the most reliable indicator of his/her performance level; however, it’s not so. Many hiring mistakes can be traced back to interviewers who used the wrong criteria to predict future job performance. This fast-paced, interactive session introduces motivation-based interviewing (MBI) and explains why it is more effective for identifying top talent. You will walk away with easy-to-use, yet highly effective, interviewing techniques that will help you to hire more high achievers.

Carol  Quinn Photo
Carol Quinn, CEO,
Hire Authority