
Concurrent Session
Leading Gen X To Gen Next (Round-About Leadership™)
Tuesday 06/26/2012 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This presentation will show you the most effective leadership techniques to use with the various generations in the workplace. 

What's the matter with kids today? Especially the ones we just hired? Increasingly, Baby Boomers are expressing a frustration with their new hires. The youngsters that got hired for their new ideas and are now disrupting the workplace trying to implement those new ideas. When it was just Baby Boomers, things worked reasonably well. Now we've got all these 'others'. Young people now entering the workforce have been tagged with a multiplicity of nicknames: 'Gen X,' 'Gen Y,' 'Echo Boomers,' and 'Millennials,' to name a few. And all this is causing a growing generational conflict in the workplace. How do you minimize the conflicts and at the same time lead all these 'others' effectively? The session will present the 'Round-About Leadership' Process to teach techniques for effectively leading the 'others' as well as teach Gen X'ers how to effectively lead those that are just a little older than them.

Arthur D. Jackson Photo
Arthur D. Jackson, President and Chief Consultant,
ENPM, Inc.