
Smart Stage
Smart Stage Lunch & Learn
Monday 04/20/2020 12:45 PM - 01:30 PM   Add to calendar

This Smart Stage Lunch & Learn consists of three 15-minute sessions and chat to engage with fellow attendees.

Predictive Analytics and the Future of Hourly Hiring 
This Smart Stage presentation focuses on predictive analytics and its uses in human resource applications.  Stuart will use a simple demonstration to show how predictive analytics can use historical data to identify future trends and make decisions based on those trends.  He’ll show you how the technology detects patterns among current employees through a combination of data and assessment science and he’ll explain implications for improving hourly hiring outcomes.  

  • Gain an understanding of predictive analytics and its uses in the world. 
  • Learn how computers can use historical data to identify future trends and how they make decisions based on those trends.  
  • Learn how AI detects patterns among current employees and how that data can be used to improve hourly hiring outcomes. 
    Presenter:Stuart Nisbet, Chief Data Scientist, Cadient Talent

Social Media Background Screening: How Online Behavior Affects Trust and Safety in the Workplace 
Social media scandals can create nightmares for your public relations team, but what happens internally when the same behavior affects the workplace both on and offline? This discussion focuses on how intolerance, sexism, and violence are leading concerns for talent acquisition, who are now tasked with finding not only the right culture fit but trustworthy contributors to safe and productive workplaces. Learn compliant screening practices to accomplish values-based goals. 
Presenter:Bianca Lager, President, Social Intel  

How Video Can Personalize Recruiting During a Time of Social Distancing 
Quality communication with candidates has never been so important. By personalizing your interactions, you have the power to make your candidates feel valued, reassured and safe. When you practice compassionate communication during times of stress, you can build trust and underscore commitment at multiple levels. This will be the key to attracting, deploying and retaining quality talent and ensuring a robust pipeline in the future. Learn how to build relationships through video technology with real-life examples. You’ll learn:  

  • How to create authenticity and build relationships and trust through technology.
  • How to leverage technology to disseminate your message through multiple channels. 
  • How Virtual & Digital technology can make you high touch even in a climate of social distancing. 
  • Tips to help prevent candidate and new hire drop-off. 
    Presenter: Lindsay Stanton, Chief Client Officer, Digi-Me 



Stuart Nisbet Photo
Stuart Nisbet, Chief Data Scientist,
Cadient Talent
Lindsay Stanton Photo
Lindsay Stanton, Chief Client Officer,