- Increasing the Strategic Impact of HR: Growing Value While Shrinking Costs
Increasing the Strategic Impact of HR: Growing Value While Shrinking Costs
Hilton Ballroom B
Wednesday 06/29/2011 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Workplace Application:
Learn methods for assessing and improving HR value for greater strategic impact.
Track: Strategic Management
In order for HR to support the value of the business, HR must improve its own value proposition. There must be clarity with stakeholders, thoughtful metrics and commitment to lean, effective service. Sharing research on how HR is perceived by stakeholders across hundreds of organizations, this session will demonstrate how to measure and optimize HR value by tackling both sides of the equation: service and cost. When HR does the right things at top efficiency, strategic impact is maximized.
Jerry H. Seibert,
global director, Diagnostic Services,
Metrus Group, Inc.
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