
Cindy Ventrice
Make Their Day
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Employee recognition expert Cindy Ventrice is a management consultant and workshop leader with over 20 years of experience. She is the author of the best-selling book Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works , as well as Recognition Strategies That Work, The Secret to Recognition Programs That Work, and 101 Tips for Team Leaders .

Upon graduation from college in 1983, Cindy became employed in the fledgling personal computer field as a special projects manager. After only six months, her employer went bankrupt and laid off its entire workforce. The contacts she made during this brief employment allowed her to leverage her knowledge of computer systems and establish herself as an independent consultant. In that capacity, she helped hundreds of organizations computerize their accounting and operational systems, acting as advisor, project manager, technical resource, and trainer.

Her strong understanding of technology provided Cindy with an opportunity to work on many diverse projects that helped her develop a comprehensive understanding of business operations. Over time, she had the opportunity to work in a wide range of industries including: technology, nonprofit, government, health care, manufacturing, trade, service, education, and tourism.

Follow Cindy on Twitter @maketheirday.