- A Best Company's Guide to Handling Harassment Allegations
A Best Company's Guide to Handling Harassment Allegations
LVCC N224-226
Wednesday 06/29/2011 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Workplace Application:
Truth is far stranger than fiction -- this session describes stunning and often hilarious stories from real harassment cases ... thus allowing you to assess best (and worst) practices for handling harassment claims!
Track: Employment Law & Legislation
How do the HR Departments at the Best Companies reduce their exposure to damaging and costly harassment charges? Prudent employers ensure that managers are well-trained to detect and respond to harassment claims, whether sexual, racial, or religious. This session shows how the best companies train their managers and supervisory teams, including: How to spot harassment? How to respond effectively? Who to interview? What to document? What discipline to impose? Learn which practices work best, and which to avoid!
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